Kutsujoku 2 cover
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Kutsujoku 2

Kutsujoku 2 The Animation - 屈辱2 The Animation

t’s almost as if a demon awoke within him. The power he had in a previous life came back to him all at once.

Now to get back at the girls who humiliated him the only way he knows how.

after reawakening to his previous self and powers and having a taste of what his life once was, it’s time to test out his powers. What better way than to use them on one of his students who just so happens to look very similar to one of his favorite streamers.

BISHOP’s popular 18-ban PC game “Humiliation 2” is now available in adult anime!

Yugo Tateoka, who has a strong desire to humiliate and enjoy women, was once a gaido who used the supernatural power of “human body gripping ability” to perform many fornications.
Yugo, who has regained his original self, begins to move again to satisfy his desires…!

The target of the first volume is Sayuki Yumihara, a serious honor student type talent.
A chain of humiliations strikes her in exchange for her sister’s information.


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