Fukubiki! Triangle: Futaba wa Atafuta cover
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Fukubiki! Triangle: Futaba wa Atafuta

Fukubiki! Triangle: Futaba wa Atafuta ふくびき! トライアングル~双葉はあたふた~♥~ Fukubiki! Triangle: Futaba wa Atafuta - Koakuma Itazurakko no Kabedon Aika ふくびき! トライアングル~双葉はあたふた~♥~ 小悪魔イタズラっ娘の壁ドン哀歌

Based on the erotic game Fukubiki! Triangle by Blue Gale. Sequel to Fukubiki! Triangle: Miharu After, Ushio’s love affair with Miharu’s sister Futaba isn’t as hot and active as Futaba would like. She takes matters into her own hands, attempting to seduce him, tying him up, drugging him… But in trying to make him more assertive, is Futaba going to get in over her head?


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